Mini Challenge 1 – Entrepreneurial DIY Showcase Challenge

Dear High School Entrepreneurs!

We hope this message finds you buzzing with entrepreneurial energy, as the AGEC journey continues to unfold with more thrilling challenges!

Introducing Mini Challenge 1 – Entrepreneurial DIY Showcase Challenge!

πŸ“† Date

27 September – 8 October

🌟 What’s the Challenge?Β 

This time, we’re diving into the world of DIY Business Solutions, and it’s all happening on TikTok! Get ready to unleash your creativity and innovative spirit by filming a 30-second TikTok video showcasing a DIY solution to tackle a common business challenge. πŸ› οΈ

πŸš€ Task

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to craft a video that demonstrates your ingenious DIY solution step-by-step. It could be anything from a unique marketing strategy, a process optimisation hack, or an ingenious workspace organisation idea! Let your imagination run wild.

πŸ“‹ Guidelines

To ace this challenge, you’ll need to:

  1. Introduce the Challenge: Briefly explain the business challenge you’re tackling.
  2. Step-by-Step DIY: Walk us through each step of your DIY solution, using captions to explain the process.
  3. Showcase Impact: Reveal the final result of your solution and highlight its incredible benefits.

πŸ“Έ Use of Visuals

Elevate your video by using visual aids, adding images or using side-by-side effects to showcase the before-and-after if applicable. You can add some text for important explanations and benefits.

🎡 Music

Keep your viewers engaged with an upbeat and catchy track that matches the vibe of your DIY solution. Not too loud though – we still want to hear you! (You can adjust the volume of your voice and the volume of the music in the App)

πŸ“’ Hashtags

Don’t forget to include the hashtags: #AGECSolutions and #EntrepreneurialDIY to connect with fellow AGEC participants and enthusiasts.

πŸ† The Prize

The rewards are waiting for the Top 5 creative minds out there! The lucky winners will receive an exclusive AGEC swag bag (branded hamper) and a cool R300 cash voucher each!

πŸ“… Deadline

You’ve got until the end of the day of October 8th, 2023, to craft your masterpiece and submit it for glory!

πŸ“© Submission

Share your brilliant creation by shooting your video on TikTok with the hashtags mentioned above. Also, make sure to send us the TikTok video link via email to

Challenge Criteria:

  • Participants must be in a High School in South Africa, between Grades 8 – 12 in 2023
  • Entries must be in the form of videos recorded from the TikTok app and be shot in portrait mode
  • Videos must be between 30 to 60 seconds long
  • Remember to add a short caption when posting your video
  • Tag the AGEC account @agec_za
  • Add music from the TikTok app (do not record the sound from an outside speaker as this may cause TikTok to flag your video for copyright issues)
  • Do not use watermarked images in your video
  • Experiment with your video and think out of the box – Be creative! The TikTok App has tons of features that can really make your video pop
  • Ensure that you email your video link to before midnight on Sunday, 08 October 2023
  • Please note that winners will be announced around 2 weeks after this Mini Challenge has closed. Judges’ decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

So, get your entrepreneurial spirit fired up because this challenge is bound to be a blast! We can’t wait to see your innovative solutions in action and witness the impact they make.

Stay tuned for more thrilling AGEC adventures, and remember, your entrepreneurial journey has just begun!

πŸ“’ P.S. Share the excitement with your friends and fellow high school entrepreneurs, and let’s make this challenge one for the books! πŸ”₯πŸ’‘


Best of luck, and let the DIY creativity flow! 🌟

Warm regards,

The AGEC Team

Primary Champions 2023 Official Leaderboard

We are thrilled to release the leaderboard for 2023 Primary Champions gameplay. Before jumping into the results, we want to say congratulations and thank you to all the schools, teachers and primary schoolers who took part in the challenge! We commend your bravery and celebrate the entrepreneurial mindset your learners have developed through their participation.

Without further delay, here is a list of the 2023 Primary Champions:

AGEC 2023 Official Leaderboards

We are thrilled to release the full leaderboards for 2023 AGEC gameplay. Before jumping into the results, we want to say congratulations and thank you to all the brave high schoolers who took part in the 2023 challenges! We commend your bravery and celebrate the entrepreneurial mindset you have developed through your participation.

Below you will see 5 separate leaderboard documents: South Africa, Eswatini, Botswana, Namibia and TVET. For an easy way to find your name and results, you can use the following desktop keyboard shortcut:

Step 1: Select the applicable leaderboard below to open the relevant PDF document
Step 2: Click Ctrl + F on your Windows keyboard (or Command + F on your Mac keyboard) to bring up a search box in the top right corner
Step 3: Type your name in that search box and it will locate the text (your position) in the document

2023 AGEC Leaderboards: