The AGEC Mini Challenge 4 is here! Let’s get creative!

AGEC’s Mini Challenge 4 is the Creative Inventions Challenge, where you will put your creativity to the ultimate test by taking two different ordinary objects and combining them to make a new, fun, make-believe invention

Creating something new that does not exist requires your imagination. Using your imagination to come up with ‘whacky’ ideas leads to creative ideas and might even become a product or service that changes the world!

How the Challenge works:

Step 1: Identify two random objects around you (whether at home, your room, in class at school)

Step 2: Looking at each object, consider what else the product could be used for outside of its intended purpose (could be the whole object or parts of it).

Step 3: Think about how you can put the different parts of the two items together to create an entirely new product. The crazier the idea, the better!

Step 4: Come up with a 1-minute or 30-second pitch for your TikTok video, pitching this new invention you have just created! Make sure you’ve named this new product and try to persuade people to buy it! Feel free to also create a prototype of this invention through sketches, 3D models, concept mock-ups, etc, to get your message across visually as well

Feeling confident you’ve already got the prize in the bag for this one? Well, read on for more on the criteria below.


Challenge Criteria:

  • Criteria 1: You MUST be registered on the Gaming Network to participate, with a fully completed profile (profile pic, entrepreneurial journey, competencies, bio, and relevant info). Prizes will not be distributed to participants that are not signed up on the Gaming Network. If you aren’t registered, it’s free, register at! All Mini Challenge participants must be between Grades 8 to 12 in a South African High School.
  • Criteria 2: This is a Solo challenge – meaning you’re participating on your own instead of in pairs or groups. People can feature in your video, however, no more than one person can claim the same video as their own submission.
  • Criteria 3: Choose your own format for the video (voice-over, graphics, on-camera, etc). Keep your video interesting and engaging! 
  • Criteria 4: Your video must open or end with the words, “This is my submission for the Allan Gray Entrepreneurship Challenge 4. Follow their Tik Tok account @AGEC_ZA and register on their website to learn more about it!” 
  • Criteria 5: Post your Challenge entry video on TikTok. Follow and tag the AGEC account (@AGEC_ZA), then share your post with as many of your connections as possible to gain engagement on your video between Monday 14 and Friday, 9 December 2022.
  • Criteria 6: Submit only one video for this Challenge. The post on your video must include ALL the following hashtags in the caption: #AGEC22 #AGECMiniChallenge4 #AllanGrayEntrepreneurshipChallenge #jointhemovement
  • Criteria 7: Send an email to by midnight on Wednesday 30 November 2022 with the following information: Your Full Name, School Name, Grade, Cell Number, Link to the TikTok video you created, and your Product Title. 
  • Criteria 8: Make sure that your TikTok Account is visible to public until winners are announced! Otherwise, we won’t be able to see it.


So, rush over to your TikTok account and get started on this amazing opportunity to win big! Don’t have a TikTok account yet? What are you waiting for? Create one now and join us! The opportunity is just too good to miss!  

So, hop to it – we can’t wait to see these crazy inventions!


Need more information or clarity? We’re happy to assist you! Contact us at for all queries relating to AGEC.

#AGEC22 Mini Challenge 3 is here!

Can we hear a little commotion for the Mobile Tablet that’s up for grabs!
Ready for another incredible opportunity to gain more knowledge and skill while earning fantastic prizes?! We thought you might be! #AGEC2022 is back with yet another Mini Challenge for the movers and the shakers! And after the quality we saw in the last challenge, we can’t wait to see what you produce with this one!

What’s so special about Mini Challenge 3, you ask? We are thrilled to bring you along on this new and exciting chapter, launching this next awesome Mini Challenge 3 directly on TikTok! We can’t wait to connect with all of you on this platform as well 😊

Already on TikTok and ready to turn your likes and engagement into an amazing opportunity to win big in this AGEC Challenge 3? Well, there is no better time than the present! Don’t have a TikTok account yet? Create one and join us: agec_za – you don’t want to miss out on this one!

This Mini Challenge 3 runs for 2 weeks, officially starting today, Wednesday 19 October, until midnight, Wednesday, 9 November.

Here’s everything you need to know about the AGEC Challenge 3.

  1. Prizes
  2. How it works
  3. Skills we’re measuring
  4. Topic Options
  5. How to attempt AGEC Challenge 3
  6. Tips on creating your video
  7. Criteria for claiming a prize



During this challenge, a lucky winner with the best video – as determined by the AGEC Team – will walk away with a brand-new mobile tablet device! But that’s not all, 10 lucky learners will also receive the following cash prizes for their content value and engagement:
AGEC Challenge 3

*There is potential for the Best Video winner to also be part of the Top 10, in which case a super lucky learner walks away with BOTH PRIZES!

Here’s how Mini Challenge 3 works:

  1. This is a Solo challenge – meaning you’re participating on your own instead of in pairs or groups.
  2. People can feature in your video, however, no more than one person can claim the video as their submission.
  3. Your TikTok video can be in any style that you’re most comfortable with, so feel free to be creative with this one! You can be on or off camera, use a voice-over, graphics, etc…
  4. Make sure that you’ve followed our TikTok account (agec_za) before submitting your claim to

What are we measuring through this challenge? Here are some of those skills:

  • Self-Efficacy – believe in your own capacity to reach your goals
  • Autonomy – can you think reasonably, make good decisions and act independently
  • Communication Skills – how well you can get your message across
  • Persuasive – how well you can involve and engage your audience
  • Creativity – out of the box thinking and cool solutions or perspectives (and overall fun-to-watch video of course!)

Topic Options

Well, grab your devices and rush over to TikTok to create a video based on one of the following Topics. Use the following points as a guide for your video, but please do not make it a Q&A-style video.
Create a short video:

  1. As an entrepreneur selling or marketing a product to us
    1. the product can either be fictional (made up by you) or your very own product (something you have already created) and explain its benefits to us as your audience.
    2. Remember to give us a brief intro of yourself and what inspired this product’s concept.
    3. Expand on the above and add your own touch
  2. Your journey in the world of business:
    1. How did business/entrepreneurship find you? Do you happen to have a brilliant idea one day or where you always around business-savvy people – otherwise name hustlers – around you?
    2. When or what made you discover that you were entrepreneurial or inspired you to be?
    3. Expand on the above and add your own touch
  3. What being an entrepreneur means to you:
    1. What problems have you identified that you feel are worth solving and why?
    2. What are some of your favourite things about entrepreneurship and some realities that come with being an entrepreneur in your opinion?
    3. Expand on the above and add your own touch

How do I attempt it?

Once you’ve selected a topic, you’re ready for the next steps! Here’s everything you need to have covered to be eligible for winning one of the prizes:

  1. Step 1: Make sure you’ve registered on the Gaming Network and have a completed profile
  2. Step 2: Visit TikTok and create/login to your profile and ensure that you’ve followed AGEC on TikTok at agec_za.
  3. Step 3: With your concept decided, begin the filming and/or editing of your video in the TikTok app (or with any TikTok-friendly video creator apps.) and upload this video to your TikTok account, while making sure your post includes the following:
    1. A short but relevant video caption/description (character limit = 300 including hashtags)
    2. Hashtags for this challenge: #jointhemovement #AGEC22 #MiniChallenge3
    3. Tag us at agec_za on the post to make sure we’re aware of it.
    4. Make sure your TikTok account is public until the Challenge winners are announced! (A public profile is the default setting)
    5. Your video can be as long as 3 minutes, but no shorter than 1 minute, also keeping in theme with any one of the three provided concepts and generating engagement!
  4. Step 4: Your TikTok video must be posted online between 8 am, Wednesday 19 October and midnight Wednesday, 9 November for it to be considered for any of the prizes!
  5. Step 5: Garner as many likes as possible by sharing your post amongst your family and friends to receive their support, increasing your chances of ranking on the leaderboard. You can also get support from other members of the Gaming Network to gain this engagement by posting your link on there and sharing it with your connections and communities!

Tips for creating your video

As you are already aware, people on social media need to be captivated by a video within the first 5 seconds of the video before fully engaging in the content! So, as you start to brainstorm on your chosen concept for this challenge, we want you to consider the following when creating your video:

  1. Is it an attention-grabbing video, piquing people’s interest throughout the video?
  2. How are people meant to feel when watching the video (energized, intrigued, inspired, connected)?
  3. This video needs to very clearly communicate your selected concept and message.
  4. Does this video highlight some of your strengths, whether it be your communication skills, persuasion skills, creative skills, etc…?
  5. It needs to be able to generate engagement on the post for you to rank on that leaderboard!

The TikTok technicalities that will help you create a great video:

  1. TikTok is compatible with .MP4 and .MOV videos
  2. Vertical aspect ratio (9:16) is most popular and most preferred
  3. Resolutions: try stick to 1080 x 1920 otherwise no less than 720 x 980 to prevent blurriness
  4. Currently the limit on characters used in video caption/description is 300 max (including hashtags)
  5. Currently the limit on video length is 3 minutes

How to claim your prize

Remember, there are cash vouchers up for grabs for the Top 10 videos with the highest engagement + the GRAND PRIZE of a TABLET DEVICE for the best video (regardless of engagement received on the post) decided at the discretion of the AGEC Team – that submit their claim and meet the criteria listed below.

    1. Criteria 1: You MUST be registered on the Gaming Network to participate, with a fully completed profile (profile pic, entrepreneurial journey, competencies, bio, and relevant info). No prizes will be distributed to participants that are not signed up on the Gaming Network.
    2. Criteria 2: All participants must be between Grades 8 to 12 in a South African High School and based on TikTok community guidelines, all participants must be 13 years or older to join their platform.
    3. Criteria 3: Post your challenge entry video on TikTok, then follow and tag the AGEC TikTok account (agec_za) and share your post with as many people as possible to garner the highest number of likes on your video between Wednesday 19 October and Wednesday, 9 November.
    4. Criteria 4: You must submit only one video covering one of the 3 Topics provided and this video must be a minimum of 1 minute with the following hashtags on it:
      1. #jointhemovement #AGEC22 #MiniChallenge3
    5. Criteria 5: Send an email through to to claim the prize on the last day of the challenge, before midnight on Wednesday, 9 November. In your email, the following must be stated:
      1. Your Full Name
      2. School Name
      3. Grade
      4. Cell Number (This number will be used for cash voucher distribution so please ensure the digits are correct to avoid a prize payout to the wrong person – which will not be reimbursed if the voucher has already been withdrawn)
      5. Link to the TikTok video you created
      6. Topic
      7. Current number of likes as seen on 9 November 2022 (please include a screenshot with the number of likes visible)
    6. Criteria 6: Choose your own format of video (voice over, graphics, on-camera, etc). Whatever format you’re most confident with! Whichever format you use, just make sure your video is still interesting and engaging! Be natural – have fun with it! This isn’t a pitch – look at it like a “story time” 😊

Pro Tip*: Create your own checklist from the criteria listed above to ensure you don’t miss any detail and improve your odds ranking on the leaderboard!

Now that you’re up to speed, TikTok the time is ticking let’s start creating that prize-winning content! We can’t wait to see all your videos!

Need more information or clarity? We’re happy to assist you! Contact us at for all queries relating to AGEC.


Good luck 😊!

The AGEC Team

#AGEC2022 Blogpost Challenge 2 Top 20 Duos

Winner announcement image

We have more winners and bigger prizes!

Congratulations to the Top 20 duos (yes, that’s 40 students in total) of Blogpost Challenge 2! Each of you had such
innovative ideas about how you would improve on existing products and services and we are excited about the
entrepreneurs you are becoming. What’s more, is that all the winners walk away from the challenge with a R1,000 cash prize!


#AGEC22 Blogpost Challenge 2 is here!

Announcing the AGEC2022 Blogpost Challenge 2 – Info, Instructions and Criteria

It is great to have you join us on the entrepreneurship journey. 20 Learners walked away with R500 each in Blogpost Challenge 1 in June.  In case you missed it, check out the Top 20 leaderboard for Blogpost Challenge 1 to see who is leaving their mark on the platform this year!

Now we are ready to share the next challenge with you… the AGEC2022 Blogpost Challenge 2

Remember, AGEC is about continuous engagement on the platform, not just the 2D game, which will be launched again a little later in the year. The more mini challenges you take part in, the more you will be sharpening your entrepreneurial sword, as you take on the world with your amazing entrepreneurial ideas!

The Blogpost Challenge 2 starts at 8 am, Monday 29 August and runs until midnight Monday, 12 September. 

What is it, and who is it for? 

Entrepreneurs enjoy problem-solving. In other words, when they see a problem, they look for opportunities to solve the problem or find a solution to the problem.

The problem could be social, environmental, educational, health-related, or something else. 

So, they may look at a problem in an existing product or service, and say …

  • I wish they had this kind of service at this business because more customers would support them if they did”, or 
  • These BoJo sneakers have poor-quality laces that break, and if you sold them with the laces that Jam-jam sneakers have, people would buy more”, or 
  • “It is crazy to see how people have to queue at the BIG FEAST FAST FOOD outlet at the end of the month, wasting time, when I have a really good solution to speed things up, and BIG FEAST will be able to sell more fast food”.

To become an opportunity, an idea needs to be evaluated and acted upon, right?

This is what we want you to do as part of the Blogpost Challenge 2: We want you to evaluate an existing product or service (any one that you want), identify an opportunity to make that product or service better, and then present that idea in the form of a collaborative blog.

Recognising opportunities is a thinking process that relies on your ability to recognize patterns and connect the dots!  Entrepreneurs constantly seek new profitable and sustainable income streams. 

There are two ways to recognise opportunities: 

  1. You can discover them through your own or other people’s experiences.
  2. You can create them yourself as the Founder, or with other Co-Founders by brainstorming around the problem identified.

Entrepreneurs create opportunities when they engage with others in exchanging thoughts and ideas back and forth, and each time it becomes clearer what their intended audience’s needs are and how they will be solved. 

Creating opportunities is a social process and relies on the ability of entrepreneurs to work together!  

For this challenge, there is R40,000 worth of prize money to be won! That’s right, R40,000 worth of cash vouchers will be distributed this week!

So, let’s explain how the Blogpost Challenge 2 works.

Please note:

  1. You need to create a team of 2 (Partner A and Partner B) who are both registered on the Gaming Network, to form a partnership. You could team up with a friend or another person on the Gaming Network. You can team up with a person at your school, at another school, or even in another province. You choose.
  2. Importantly, a team of two cannot be in the same grade. So, if you are in Grade 10, you need to partner with a learner in another grade. Your partner cannot be in Grade 10 if you are in Grade 10, or Grade 8 if you are in Grade 8, and so forth.
  3. Both members of the team of two have the chance to win a R1000 cash voucher. Yes, that’s R1000 each!

What are we looking out for?

  • Resourcefulness
  • Networking
  • Collaboration
  • Identifying an opportunity in an existing market (product or service)
  • A viable solution to make the best of that opportunity

Are you still feeling up for the challenge? Keep reading to find out how to participate.

How do I attempt it? 

  • Step 1: Select a partner, in a different grade from yours, that you would like to work with in this round. They could be from any school (including yours) or you can network on the Gaming Network to find a partner. 
  • Step 2: Together, formulate a quick research plan to observe and identify a product or service that you think can be improved upon. Through your research, identify new opportunities that will improve the product or service that you have identified.

Once you begin brainstorming to improve existing products and/or services, you need to bear the following in mind when coming up with a solution:   

  • It needs to fulfil customer needs and expectations. 
  • It can be a brand-new innovative solution. 
  • It should still be in alignment with the company’s beliefs and existing products/services. 
  • It needs to be able to generate profit with customers willing to pay for the product. 
  • It also needs to be attractive and desirable for people who want to buy it. 
  • Step 3: Once you and your partner have identified an opportunity, use the activities listed below to decide between yourselves which of you will play the role of Partner A and Partner B. 
  • If you are Partner A, you will need to post a blog of at least 300 words on your timeline via the Gaming Network on the following topic: WHAT WE LEARNT DURING THE PROCESS.

Here are some questions Partner A can answer to help write his/her blog:

  • What skills and entrepreneurial competencies did each of you bring to the discussion? How did they help you as you worked together on this challenge?
  • What service or product did you decide on? Why did you decide on that service or product?
  • What problem did you identify for that service or product, and how did you convert that problem into an opportunity?
  • What were the areas that you disagree on and how did you overcome those areas of disagreement?

You must end off your blog with the words: Check out my Partner B’s (give his/her name) blog on their timeline here.

  • If you are Partner B, you also need to post a blog of at least 300 words on your timeline via the Gaming Network on the following topic:


Encourage the reader of your blog to read your Partner A (give his/her name) blog before reading yours. Here are some questions Partner B can answer to help write his/her blog:

  • What solution are you proposing for the problem you identified?
  • How will your solution benefit the beneficiary or consumer?
  • Why will your solution be better than the one that is already in the market, or already being used by consumers/beneficiaries? Motivate this.
  • How do you know that there is a need for the solution that you have provided? 
  • Step 4:  Both Partner A and Partner B must post their respective blogs online between 8 am on Monday 29 August and midnight Monday, 12 September for it to be considered for the prize money.
  • Step 5: Both Partner A and Partner B need to secure a minimum of 20 likes each for the two blog posts. i.e., Partner A’s blog must have at least 20 likes and Partner B’s blog must have at least 20 likes.  You need to get support from other members of the Gaming Network to get these likes.

How to claim your prize 

 Remember, there is R40,000 worth of cash vouchers up for grabs, and these vouchers will go to 20 partnerships that submit their claim and meet the criteria listed below.

  • Criteria 1: Each partner (Partner A and Partner B) must have posted a minimum of 300 words each in their blog, on the Gaming Network, specifically posted between the 29th of August and 12th of September.  
  • Criteria 2: Only one person (either Partner A or Partner B) should send a single email to to claim the prizes (for themselves and their challenge partner) and this email should also be sent between 29 August and 12 September. The other partner must be cc’ed on the email. In this email, screenshots of both blogposts should be attached, clearly showing:
  • your names, 
  • the date when the post was issued,
  • and the number of likes gained.
  • Criteria 3: This is a networking challenge, so each blogpost must have gained a minimum of 20 likes on the Gaming Network and the number of likes should be clearly visible in the screenshots.
  • Criteria 4: The email must state each of the following for both Partner A and Partner B: 
  • Full Name
  • School Name
  • Grade
  • Cell Number (this is the number that will be used to notify the winners of the cash vouchers. If you provide the incorrect cell number, the cash will be drawn by someone else, and you will lose out on your prize)
  • Criteria 5: Visit your profile settings! All profiles must be set on viewing for “everyone” for the duration of the challenge and at least for 10 days after the challenge closes. i.e., Friday, 23 September. This means your grade & profile information must be visible to us when we visit your profile, and we must be able to view and read your blogpost (you can keep the rest of your information hidden). This will also aid the visibility of your profile during the challenge so others can read and interact with your post, meeting part of the criteria of this challenge. You can change your profile back to “private” once winners are announced on the leaderboard.  

A Check List 

  • Your partner must be cc’ed into the email used to claim the prizes for a valid entry. 
  • Both partners cannot be in the same grade.  
  • Only a single email with all the screenshots should be used to claim. Two or more emails received is an automatic disqualifier (e.g., if Partner A emails through their screenshot whilst Partner B emails through their own screenshot in separate emails). 
  • Prizes are limited to 40 learners (20 sets of partners) that send through valid claims between 29 August and 12 September 2022. 
  • In this exercise, strong quality writing, research and entrepreneurial thinking will help prepare you for the business world and may also attract like-minded individuals for future collaborations and most importantly, in this challenge, you may also gain more likes from the online community. Don’t forget to punctuate and proofread before posting!  

NB*: The Blogpost Challenge 2 is only accessible to learners in Grades 8 to12 in 2022 who are registered on the Gaming Network.  

Need assistance? We’re happy to assist you! Contact us at for all queries relating to AGEC.

Good luck!

The AGEC Team

#AGEC2022 Blogpost Challenge 1 Top 20

The Top 20 Leaderboard is here!
Congratulations to the Top 20 learners of Blogpost Challenge 1, who showed great comprehension skills and attention to detail, meeting the requirements and criteria of this challenge. Each winner walks away with the amazing cash prize of R500!

*NB: To the Top 20 learners, please note that you will be contacted shortly with more details on your cash prize. So, keep an eye on your emails!

#AGEC21 Final Positions Leaderboard

Whilst an important aspect of this news post is to reveal the winners to you, possibly the most important part of this news post is to remind you that by taking part in AGEC21, you have embarked on a unique journey characterised by growth, powerful learning, confidence, and independence. Whether you have made it to the list of top winners in this year’s game or not, is not what’s significant.  You’ve played a fiery game and we have loved to see it in action. Here’s wishing you SUCCESS in everything that you do, good luck!

There’s a quick and easy keyboard shortcut that you can use to search for your name. It’s best to use a computer or laptop as most phones don’t allow for this functionality. If you’re using Windows, Ctrl + F will bring up a search box. Type your name in that search box and it will locate the text (your position) in the document. If you’re using a Mac, you’ll need to press Command + F. You can use this shortcut in browsing a website, a Word or Google document, and even a PDF.